Brain Words Studio
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Welcome to the Brain Words Studio
Here in the Brain Words Studio you will find media that will help explain the concepts, theory and science behind the impactful book, Brain Words: How the Science of Reading Informs Teaching. You will discover practical applications for your classroom taken from GO READ, Building Brain Words for Beginners.
Richard Gentry and Gene Ouellette, the authors of Brain Words and GO READ!, have created videos, podcast, blogs, articles, and other media to help guide you through the Brain Words universe.
Review of HMH’s Into Reading by Dr. J. Richard Gentry
A research-based spelling curriculum Is critical for teaching elementary school children and saving struggling readers and English learners from the prospect of academic failure. Find out how and why HMH Into Reading (2020) is inadequate for teaching grade-level spelling and foundational skills. To fix this problem teachers would need additional curricular resources along with 20 minutes a day in the literacy block with more intensity of focus to provide the grade-by-grade foundational skills instruction supported by current psychology and neuroscience. Read Dr. Gentry’s full review by clicking the Download button to download. You may be able to “view only” or download on your smart phone.
Brain Words Videos
Dr. Richard Gentry announces the release of Brain Words, Second Edition (2025). He and his co-author , Dr. Gene Quellette highlight the progress and changes brought about by the Science of Reading movement. Brains Words, Second Edition is available on

Brain words are what we call the stored mental representations of phonics patterns and words essential for igniting the reading and writing brain; these representations store and link a word’s spelling, pronunciation, and meaning and are what underlies the progression to fluent reading with comprehension
Phase Observation for Early Spelling to Read . . . highlights the importance of being aware of developmental phases in best practices for teaching reading and spelling. Here we further explain the role of developmental spelling in learning to read and how spelling and reading develop in concert throughout five specific phases. Preschool-Kindergarten.
Phase Observation for Early Spelling to Read . . . highlights the importance of being aware of developmental phases in best practices for teaching reading and spelling. Here we further explain the role of developmental spelling in learning to read and how spelling and reading develop in concert throughout five specific phases. First Grade.
Psychology Today Blog
Dr Richard Gentry is an author, researcher, Psychology Today blogger and educational consultant known for his ground-breaking work in education such as early literacy; spelling; as well as dyslexia. Author of 18 books, 2 textbook series, and numerous journal and magazine articles.
GO Read Videos

Spelling Connections: A Word Study Approach by Dr. Richard Gentry, published by Zaner-Bloser. This affordable timesaving resource offers a grade-by-grade curriculum for teachers, featuring 20-minute daily word study lessons that complement any reading program. It ensures you develop strong readers, spellers, and writers in Grades 1 through 8 by building crucial foundational spelling skills for proficient reading comprehension and meaningful writing.